Nicole R. Triplett LLP; LPC, is the founder of Black Wall Street Kalamazoo. As a psychologist, entrepreneur and business mentor, Nicole desires to empower and strengthen the African American community thru collaboration. Nicole’s mission is to create an inspired community and bring forth successful African American businesses and increase the self esteem of the African American family and culture.

Your support is needed!
We appreciate your support of the programs that we offer. Your donations help us to provide needed services and education to vulnerable yet inspired communities.
To increase the awareness and visibility of Black business within our community
Our mission is to be a collaborative initiative to strategically increase the lifespan of the African American dollar within the African American community, through social, marketing and educational experiences. Working in collaboration with local community as well as national organizations to support their mission, share, collect and leverage resources for the benefit and empowerment of the African American Community. Black Wall Street Kalamazoo (BWSK)